This is not my first run-in with fonts from Modular Infotech. Alternately, some render only in Apple Advanced Typography (AAT) which is apparently a superior tech, but which only works in Apple apps. Windows' usp10.dll which (used to be? is?) was the DLL responsible for Unicode support in Windows and Office.

Plenty of complex-script font developers work to the requirements not of the Unicode consortium or the OpenType spec, but to the quirks of a given rendering platform, e.g. The font does appear to be properly unicode encoded, but for some reason ID just isn't seeing combining forms that use more than two glyphs even though at least one of the combinations is visible in the Glyphs panel, so I'm not sure where the problem lies, but since the same codepoints work in Tunga (but not in Arial Unicode, either), my guess is it's some sort of internal coding issue in the font.