
Binding of isaac rebirth screen tearing
Binding of isaac rebirth screen tearing

binding of isaac rebirth screen tearing

Charge-bar items like Monstro's Lung or Brimstone stop working at 30 tears per second.Polyphemus, Mutant Spider, and Inner Eye's tear delay formulas do not stack with each other, meaning that there is no downside to taking another after you have already taken one.With a tear delay of 1, the maximum achievable rate of fire is 15 tears per second (every 2 frames).In this case, it would reduce the delay to 5.92, which rounds down to 5. Assuming no other modifications to the tears stat, +1.4 tears up is enough to bring you to the normal delay cap.+0.75 (halved if Isaac leaves the room, and wears off at the rate of one room clear per use) +0.4 for every room cleared without taking non-self damage, up to +2 total +1 for the first beam of light, then +0.5 for subsequent beams +1.2 on the first hit, then +0.4 on subsequent hits No change, displayed value = maximum charge timeĪdditional x3 if the creep is in contact with white poop

binding of isaac rebirth screen tearing

Generally, for these items, each unit of tear delay in Afterbirth+ and before converts to +0.5 tears per second in Repentance. They still allow the soft cap of 5 tears per second to be broken, but now have a greater impact on runs that have a lower fire rate compared to those with a higher one this is in contrast to Afterbirth+, where the opposite was true. Many items that used to modify tear delay now modify tears fired per second instead.Several items directly modify tear delay after the main calculation: Tainted Eve: x0.66 (Has a 3.3 TPS softcap)ĭirect modifiers to Tear Delay/ Tears Fired per Second.Some characters have tears multipliers that decrease or increase all tear changes:.All other characters ( Isaac, Magdalene, Cain, Judas, Dark Judas, ?, Eve, Lazarus, The Lost, Lilith, Apollyon, The Soul, Bethany, Tainted Isaac, Tainted Magdalene, Tainted Cain, Tainted Judas, Tainted Lazarus, Tainted Lost, Tainted Lilith, and Tainted Bethany) have the base +0 (2.73) tears.Tainted Eve: -0.5, then x0.66 (Has a 3.3 TPS softcap).Jacob and Esau: +0.277 for Jacob, -0.1 for Esau.Tainted Eden's base tears rerolls every time they take damage unless they have Birthright.Tears fired per second is halved and then increased by 2 while berserking as Tainted Samson.The absolute maximum fire rate achievable is 120, corresponding to -0.75 tear delay.ĭifferent characters start with different initial tears:.Effectively, this means tear delay can be less than 1. Tear delay as a mechanic is no longer as significant in Repentance, and instead items that used to affect the tear delay now instead affect the fire rate directly. Note that the fire rate given by the ingame HUD is rounded. 3 Direct modifiers to Tear Delay/Tears Fired per Second.

Binding of isaac rebirth screen tearing